Chandigarh, June 25– Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that the State Government is focusing on boosting Small, Micro and Medium scale industries and is steadily working towards developing the State into a hub of Pharmaceutical Industry. To materialize this, special incentives will be given for setting up pharma industries in Haryana, he added. The Chief Minister was presiding over a meeting with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) held digitally here today.
The Chief Minister elaborated that a major area of the state falls under the NCR-region, in fact, it has sound parameters and is all set to compete with other states. He said that Haryana stood third in Ease of Doing Business. Besides this, the state has put 18 Departments under one umbrella where it is made mandatory to give clearance in 45 days. Thus, the State Government has formulated the Haryana Entrepreneur and Employment Enterprises Policy and under its ambit several facilities are being provided to the industry.
The Chief Minister said that local investors can also be considered as Small, Micro and Medium Scale industries. He then called upon the entrepreneurs to lay emphasis on national interest and urged them to step forward to set up enterprises in Haryana. He stated that due to the MSME policy the entrepreneurs will perform well and will also be promoted as National Investor.
The Chief Minister said that land has been reserved for Pharma Cluster at Barwala in Panchkula by e-marking it. This land is adjoining Nahan in Himachal Pradesh and has good connectivity with Chandigarh Airport as well. Besides this, a Bulk Drug Pharma is being built in Hisar and Medical Device Park in Panipat.
The Chief Minister said that the State Government aims to set up a large number of such clusters at the district level under MSMEs so as to provide maximum employment opportunities to the youth of the State. With this Scheme, more marketing can be done at less cost.
On this occasion, Managing Director, Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC), Sh. Anurag Agarwal gave a comprehensive presentation highlighting various aspects of the MSMEs. He said that the State Government is steadfast to develop the pharmaceutical industry. He said that an Integrated Aviation Hub is also being set up in Hisar by the State Government. While inviting industrialists to invest, he said that this conference can play a pivotal role in boosting investment.
Chief Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. D.S. Dhesi, Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce Department, Sh. Vijayendra Kumar were also present on the occasion.