Haryana Deputy Chief Minister, Sh. Dushyant Chautala said that the ‘Gram Darshan Portal’ will bring transparency in the Panchayati system of the state

With the construction of a four-lane flyover near Gurugram-Faridabad Road, it will be the fastest route between Indira Gandhi International Airport and Jewar Airport: Dushyant Chautala

Chandigarh, July 1: Haryana Deputy Chief Minister, Sh. Dushyant Chautala said that the ‘Gram Darshan Portal’ will bring transparency in the Panchayati system of the state, the people of the village will be able to see the detailed accounts of all the development works initiated in their village through this portal.

The Deputy Chief Minister, who also holds the portfolio of Development and Panchayat Department, gave the above information post hearing the public grievances related to the villages of the people who came to visit him at his residence here today.

Sh. Dushyant Chautala while interacting with the people about their agriculture and farming techniques, said that the present State Government has come up with a ‘Commitment to Serve through Good Governance’. Generally, lack of transparency in the system is considered to be the cause of corruption. To reduce human interference, the state government has adopted the path of e-governance. He said that complete data of 6,197 Panchayats of the state has been made available on ‘Gram Darshan Portal’. Information about the ongoing development projects in the village and the necessary works to be done by the Panchayat can be accessed through this portal at any time.

He further informed that the State Government has started ‘Har Ghar Nal Se Jal’ scheme under ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’ to provide water to every household in rural areas.

The Deputy Chief Minister said that Haryana is the first state in the country where Inter-District Council has been constituted. Haryana Smart Village Authority has been constituted to equip the villages of the state with modern facilities. ‘Deenbandhu Haryana Gram Uday Yojana’ has been prepared for villages with population up to 10,000 and for population of above that ‘Mahagram Vikas Yojana’ has been prepared for the all-round development of villages.

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