Chandigarh, May 28– Haryana Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij said that different methods of treatment should not be contradictory rather should compliment each other.
Sh. Vij elaborated that various methods of treatment, including Allopathy and the age-old age method of Ayurvedic treatment under Ayush, treat patients in their own way and helps patients recover as well. Therefore, these systems should not work against each other. He said that the main objective of all methods of treatment is only to treat patients so that they are in the best their health.
The Health Minister said that separate departments have been constituted in the country and the state so that both the methods can function. He said that in the state, he was giving equal attention to both the departments so that the public can get the best treatment facilities. He added that there was no dearth of users who prefer allopathic medicines in the country nor of those who prefer Ayurvedic or alternative methods of treatment.