​7th International Yoga Day celebration: SMHS(SCV), Govt.College, S. A. S Nagar

SAS Nagar,21 Jun 2021

Yoga At Home , Yoga with Family
Along with the world , International Yoga Day was celebrated at SMHS (SCV) Government College SAS Nagar (Mohali) under the able guidance of Principal Dr.Jatinder Kaur on 21.06.2021 . The programme was organised by department of physical education in collaboration with N.S.S & N.C.C units of the college . Living up to the times of covid , the celebration was held virtually via Google Link with the theme ,” Yoga at Home Yoga with Family ” . Dr.Jasleen Kaur Sabarwal , the resource person for the programme held the activity session by practising Yoga Asanas in an intersesting and interactictive way. She also highlighted the benefits of yoga for our physical and mental well being .It has emerged as a beacon of hope in the trying times of Covid-19. Dr. Jatinder Kaur , Principal of the college while speaking on the occasion highlighted the importance of yoga and necessity of yoga because of the pandemic. She highlighted that yoga offers a holistic way of life and takes us from stress to strength. The staff and the students of the college participated in the virtual celebration very enthusiastically . NCC incharge Lt. Sukhwinder Singh motivated the cadets to practise yoga in their lives for self-discpline and good health during the pandemic. The NSS programme officer , Prof. Ashish kumar Bajpai and H.O.D of physical education department Prof. Simar Prreet Kaur presented a vote of thanks to the participants and expressed hope for imbibing yoga into everyday life.