312554 MT Paddy Procured on eleventh day: Ashu


Chandigarh, 13 October:

The Government procurement agencies have procured 312554 metric tonnes of paddy in Punjab on eleventh day of procurement of this Kharif Season.

Disclosing this here today, Food and Civil Supplies Minister Punjab Mr. Bharat Bhushan Ashu said the Government procurement agencies procured total  1645973 MT and 19829 MT paddy procured by private Millers.

READ  MORE : Punjab Police arrests 8 persons for smuggling paddy from other states; 7260 quintals paddy, 7 vehicles seized

He said that  331368.50 MT paddy has been arrived in  mandis of state today  and  so far a total of 1768056.50 metric tonnes of paddy has arrived in the state out of which 1665802 metric tonnes of paddy has been Precoured.

Mr. Ashu said department has cleared 1740.82 Cr. Rupee of farmers.