33 new units of Rs. 70 crore approved by Industries Department

उद्योग विभाग के निदेशक राकेश प्रजापति
उद्योग विभाग द्वारा 70 करोड़ के निवेश वाली 33 इकाइयां स्वीकृत

Shimla 12 February 2022

Director Industries Rakesh Prajapati informed here today that the Department has sanctioned 33 new cases in the 8th meeting of State Level Committee held on 11th February, 2022, which includes 11 industrial and 22 tourism units. He said that with these units were worth Rs. 70 crore for which subsidy of Rs. 20.25 crore have been provided by the Department. He further said that these units would generate employment opportunities for 755 persons of the state.

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Director said that to promote industrialisation in Himachal Pradesh, the Government of India had announced Industrial Development Scheme. He said that in previous seven meetings of the State Level Committee had approved 118 claims amounting to Rs.168.65 crore. The Industrial Development Scheme includes Central Capital, Investment Incentive for access to credit (CCIIAC) at 30 percent investment in plant and machinery with an upper limit of Rs. 5 crore. All eligible new industrial units and existing units on their substantial expansion located anywhere in the State and Central Comprehensive Insurance Incentive (CCII), will be eligible for reimbursement of 100 percent insurance premium on insurance of building plant and machinery for a period of five years from the date of commencement of commercial production/operation.