he Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha to ameliorate the hardships faced by poor and vulnerable section of society due to economic disruption caused by Corona pandemic, the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) has been extended upto 30th November, 2021.
Under the scheme, foodgrains have been allocated to all the States/UTs for free of cost distribution to all the beneficiaries covered under National Food Security Act (NFSA) [Antodaya Anna Yojna (AAY) & Priority Households (PHH)] including those covered under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). The number of identified beneficiaries under the scheme is around 80 Crore, however it varies depending on the identification of beneficiaries done by States/UTs from time to time.
NFSA is implemented under the joint responsibility of the Centre and States/UTs. While the Centre is responsible for allocation of required foodgrains to States/UTs, transportation of foodgrains up to designated depots in each State/UT and providing central assistance to States/UTs for delivery of foodgrains from designated Food Corporation of India (FCI) godowns to the doorstep of the FPSs, the States/UTs are responsible for effective implementation of the Act, which inter-alia includes identification of eligible beneficiaries, issuing ration cards to them, distribution of foodgrain entitlements to eligible beneficiaries through fair price shops (FPS), setting up effective grievance redressal mechanism and necessary strengthening of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS). During 2020 (PMGKAY-I and II) Out of total allocation of 322 LMT foodgrains under PMGKAY-2020 (April-November 2020), approx 298.8 LMT foodgrains (i.e. around 93%) have been distributed by States/UTs.
During 2021 (PMGKAY III) so far, out of a total allocation of around 75.51 LMT foodgrains ( May -June 2021) approx 73.46 LMT (i.e. around 97%) foodgrains have been distributed by States/UTs.