Address by PM Shri Narendra Modi at the Leaders’ Summit on Climate 2021

Address by PM Shri Narendra Modi at the Leaders’ Summit on Climate 2021

April 22nd


I would like to thank President Biden for taking this initiative. Humanity is battling a global pandemic right now. And, this event is a timely reminder that the grave threat of Climate Change has not disappeared. In fact, Climate Change is a lived reality for millions around the world.Their lives and livelihoods are already facing its adverse consequences.


For humanity to combat Climate Change, concrete action is needed.We need such action at a high speed, on a large scale, and with a global scope.We, in India, are doing our part.Our ambitious renewable energy target of 450 Gigawatts by 2030 shows our commitment. Despite our development challenges, we have done many bold steps on clean energy, energy efficiency, afforestation and bio-diversity.That is why we are among the few countries whose NDCs are 2 degree-Celsius compatible.

We have also motivated global initiatives like International Solar Alliance, LeadIT, and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure.


As a climate responsible developing country, India welcomes partners to make templates of sustainable development in India.These can also help other developing countries, who need affordable access to green finance and clean technologies. That is why, President Biden and I are launching the “India-US climate and clean energy Agenda 2030 partnership”. Together, we will help mobilise investments, demonstrate clean technologies, and enable green collaborations.


Today, as we talk about global climate action, I want to leave one thought with you.India’s per capita carbon footprint is 60% lower than the global average.It is because our lifestyle is still rooted in sustainable traditional practices.

I want to stress the importance of lifestyle change in climate action.Sustainable lifestyles and a guiding philosophy of “Back to Basics” must be an important pillar of our economic strategy for the post Covid era.


I recall the words of the great Indian monk Swami Vivekananda.He called on us to “Arise, awake and stop not until the goal is reached”.Let us make this a Decade of Action against climate change.

Thank you