Amount of Rs 309 crore given as scholarship to 61 lakh students

Scholarship payment directly into the bank accounts of students

Under the Samagra Social Security Mission in the state, the scholarship amount is being transferred to the bank accounts of the students studying in schools through the Integrated Scholarship Scheme. The School Education Department has been made the nodal department for this scheme. Last year, through this scheme, the scholarship amount of Rs 309 crore was transferred to the bank accounts of 61 lakh students.

At present, about 20 types of scholarship schemes of 6 departments are being approved online through the education portal and paid into the accounts of the students for the students studying from class one to 12 in government and private schools. In the Integrated Scholarship Scheme, the name of each student has been mapped with the DICE code of his school on the basis of unique ID and a system has been prepared through NIC (National Information Center) on the education portal for class-wise, school-wise online enrollment. In the scheme, the profile of each student, which includes information about the caste of the students, parents’ occupation, family’s annual income, BPL status (Below Poverty Line), hostel status, last year’s examination result etc., is kept as a reference. For the last 2 years, the implementation of Scheduled Caste and Tribe Centrally Sponsored and State Pre and Post Matric Schemes is being done through the MPTAAS portal operated by the Tribal Affairs Department.

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