In the current era where body shaming is becoming very common, people are focusing on their appearance as they are very conscious about it. They want to meet the fitness standards of their society and fit in. Does a thin and a lean body means you are fit? Well, that is not the case. A fat or lean body does not indicate your health. And if you are fat and think that losing weight would make you fit, you my friend, are wrong.
       Nobody can clearly define what health means as it is a diverse subject and is interpreted differently by everyone. People consider a fat person unhealthy. That is not correct. It is right to say that obesity is not good for your body but that does not make you unhealthy. People need to change their aspects and views about health as it is leading them in the wrong direction.
       Several people believe the fact that a proper diet and exercise is the only way to remain fit and they do not accept the people who are obese or suffering from diabetes in the healthy category.
       Everybody focuses on the physical aspect of life and ignore the mental and psychological health. That is where our mindset is lacking. We need to make sure our mind is equally healthy as our body. If one is depressed and working out on a daily basis, it is unlikely that they would see any major changes in their body or any improvement at all. Thus, it is important that we do not focus on what other people say but in what we believe is correct for us. Take care of your mind too because without it you are ruining your health. You can start today through 15 minutes of meditation.