Benefits of Celery

Benefits of Celery

Benefits of Celery

Celery is a plant of family Apiaceae that has been cultivated as a vegetable. Celery has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves. According to the location either its stalks or leaves are eaten and also used in cooking. It is used in salads as well.

Top 5 Health Benefits of Celery

Celery has Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory

Celery and celery seeds have 25 anti-inflammatory compounds that can offer protection against inflammation in the body. It has powerful antioxidant to remove free radicals. It is clear that celery, with different compounds can have many healing effects. It has compounds like caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid etc.

Stores nutrients

Celery is high terms of vitamins and minerals with a low glycemic index. It also has vitamins A, K, and C, plus minerals like potassium and folate. Low in sodium. Celery has a slow effect on your blood sugar. People consume either celery raw or cooked. Raw vegetables contains more nutrients than cooked ones. Steaming celery for about 10 minutes may not affect the antioxidants.

Better digestion

Celery supports good digestion. High water in celery almost 95 percent and also generous amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber. All these support a healthy digestive tract. Drinking celery juice may help prevent cardiovascular diseases and jaundice.

Weight loss

Celery juice is low in calories, providing 85 calories per 16 ounces (475 ml) instead of higher calorie beverages, such as  coffee drinks replaced with celery juice is a good choice if you want to lose weight.

Hydrating level

Celery is healthy and hydrating food to include have in your diet. Its mostly water, providing close to a half cup (118 ml) of it in a 1-cup serving. It boosts up your hydration level.


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