Braving all odds, Covid- 19 warriors of Jammu taking challenge with full might

JAMMU, MAY 12, 2021: Amid the prevailing difficult times, when the world as a whole is locked up inside the homes and life has come to a standstill, the Covid-19 warriors are determined to take the challenge with full might.
Mumtaz Ahmad is one of those frontline workers. The newly married Mumtaz said that he hasn’t been to his home in Poonch for the last five months. ‘After finishing my shift at MCH Jammu, I go back to my room; I live alone here in Jammu and do my chores and cooking, while my wife is putting up with my parents in Poonch’.
When asked if he misses his family, he says, ‘of course I do, everybody does!’ He works as a paramedic in Gandhinagar Hospital Jammu.
Medical Superintendent, MCH Gandhi Nagar, Dr Arun Sharma is also keeping distance from his family ever since Covid pandemic began. ‘I live on a separate floor of my house, and only meet my family before leaving for work in the morning. I greet them from a distance only’.
When asked if he has ever been infected with the virus, he responds in negative and said that he’s been strictly observing Covid appropriate behavior, which includes keeping social distance, frequently washing hands and wearing face mask in public at all times. ‘I make sure that I change my clothes after returning from any public place’, he said.
 ‘When we wear a mask and follow Covid appropriate behavior, it is not only for one’s own safety, but for one’s family and society as well. Each individual can either act as a carrier of Covid-19 virus or as a barrier against its spread. We should act responsibly, for our own good and for the sake of our beloved family and friends’, concludes Dr Arun Sharma.
In spite of hectic schedules and stress, tackling patients physically and psychologically is the main job these days. Hospitals are not only curing the disease but people like Mumtaz help them come out of this crisis by rendering emotional and mental support. We need to help these healthcare workers by keeping up the guard and following the MaskUp India campaign. There can be no greater help and support to all the Corona Warriors than to follow the SOPs and adherence to Covid Appropriate Behaviour.
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