Cabbage is very nutritious. It is beneficial for your digestive system, skin and hair. It is also one of the right options for weight loss diet. With the goodness of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, it helps fight many deadly diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, BP and stroke. It improves brain functioning, enhances memory and protects us from diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some of its benefits are given below:
1.Eat Cabbage For A Healthy Brain
The red cabbage in particular has elements called vitamin K and antioxidants that help improve your brain function. These nutrients protect the nerves from damage and increase memory. Consuming cabbage can protect you from diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia (memory impairment).
2.Immunity Booster
The high vitamin C content of cabbage provides immunity-enhancing property. A strong immune system fights diseases by killing harmful bacteria and viruses and helps you stay healthy.
3.Cabbage Protects Us From Cancer
Studies have shown that the consumption of crucified vegetables reduces the risk of certain types of cancer including stomach, breast, lungs and prostate. The anti-cancer property of cabbage is due to its nutrient rich content such as glucosinolates, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory agents. Sulforaphane, lupol and syngrinfound in cabbage help fight cancer cells.
4.Helps Reduce Inflammation
Cabbage contains a myriad of anti-inflammatory agents that help fight inflammation in your body. It reduces allergies, helps relieve joint pain and has a beneficial effect on arthritis. Cabbage is used as an herbal remedy for inflammatory diseases such as stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and mastitis (inflammatory conditions of breast cells) due to its anti-inflammatory property.
5.Beneficial For Diabetics
According to one study, eating a diet rich in cabbage reduces the chances of developing type 2 diabetes due to its high antioxidant as well as high fibre content. Diabetes and related complications can be overcome by eating red cabbage.
6.Cabbage For Healthy Skin
Eat cabbage regularly for healthy skin as it is full of antioxidants that reduce the free radicals responsible for your skin discoloration. Eating cabbage can have beneficial effects on skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. It also improves skin problems, including xeroderma and acne.
7.Helps In Weight Loss
Due to being leafy in nature, cabbage is low in calories. Including cabbage in your weight loss diet is a great idea.