Amid the COVID-19 restrictions, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Saturday announced immediate relief of Rs 3000 each for all the registered construction workers in the state.
The money would be transferred to the bank accounts of the workers by Monday in a bid to mitigate the hardships being faced by them in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak, which has brought all construction activity in the state to a standstill.
A total of Rs 96 crore will be released for this purpose, said an official spokesperson, adding that the Labour Department has been directed by the Chief Minister to take immediate steps to ensure the transfer by Monday.
At the same time, Captain Amarinder has appealed to the construction workers to take all preventive measures and strictly follow the protocol guidelines issued by the health department to check the spread of this deadly disease.
Assuring the workers of all possible support to them and their families in this difficult time, the Chief Minister said his government was committed to help out all the distressed sections of the society who did not have the means to fend for themselves at this juncture, in the light of the restrictions imposed to prevent further spread of the global pandemic in the state.