CEC Khan urges national level tourism trade fraternity experts to work as ambassadors of Kargil

CEC Khan urges national level tourism trade fraternity experts to work as ambassadors of Kargil

CEC Khan urges national level tourism trade fraternity experts to work as ambassadors of Kargil

KARGIL, FEBRUARY 23, 2021: As a part of the series of programmes being held in the district in connection with the 2nd edition of the Ladakh Winter Conclave, 2021 a colorful multiethnic cultural evening was organized at the District Police Lines (DPL) Auditorium here on Monday evening during which the artists of the Balti, Purgi, Shina Dardi and Aryan Dardi artists mesmerized the guests with colorful folk music and dance performances.

Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan, Executive Councillor for Tourism Er Phunsok Tashi,  Executive Councilor for Social Welfare Aga Syed Hassan Arman, Executive Councilor Health Muhammad Ali Chandan,  Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve, Additional Deputy Commissioner Kargil Tsering Motup, Councillor Choskore Nasir Hussain Munshi, Assistant Director Tourism Aga Syed Toha, district officers besides the guests including the prominent tour operators, travel agents, members of the All Domestic Tour Operators of India, bloggers, travel journalists and film makers from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, West Bengal, UT J&K and Tourism and members of the tourism and travel trade  fraternity of Kargil were present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, CEC Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan said that it is a moment of celebration for the people of Kargil that 2nd edition of the Ladakh Winter Conclave is going on with such glory and cultural extravaganza, which he stated will surely help to boost the tourism in Kargil which is one of the primary sources of economy for almost all sections of the population.

The CEC urged the guests to act as ambassadors of Kargil to promote and propagate the rich multicultural heritage, natural scenic beauty, potential of cultural, heritage, winter and border tourism besides the unflinching loyalty, unity and communal harmony of the people since times immemorial so that tourists from across the country can come and have a firsthand experience of the place. He also expressed optimism that the conclave will also prove as a serious platform for brainstorming thereby to pave ideas for undertaking other concrete and workable measures to boost tourism sector in Kargil besides to bring it on the future map of world tourism.

CEC Khan further also hailed the efforts of the Department of Tourism, UT Ladakh and all other related departments besides travel trade bodies for their coordinated and committed efforts in the successful execution of the conclave.

Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve in his address said that people of Kargil are known for their humility, sincerity and unity which is an example for others to emulate. He also said that the rich multiethnic culture of the place is an example of its own and needs to be seen and understood by people from outside from close quarters so that they can understand and appreciate its true essence.

Meanwhile, the guests including the travel trade experts, prominent tour operators, travel agents, members of the All Domestic Tour Operators of India, bloggers, travel journalists and film makers stressed on the fact that we should shun the idea of comparing Kargil with any tourist destination as the place in itself is a brand and has the potential to grow as a brand in tourism circuit. They also expressed that Kargil has everything that a global tourist wants and assured of all out efforts on their part to include the destination in their itinerary besides also taking measures to promote Kargil far and wide both in the national and international arena.

Meanwhile, Power Point Presentations on the potential of tourism, tourism sites, scope of cultural, winter and border tourism were also presented on the occasion while interactions and discussions on opportunities for tourism promotion in Kargil district were also discussed.

dinner party was also hosted for the guests.

Assistant Director Tourism Aga Syed Toha presented the vote of thanks while President AKTTA Ashraf Ali and Senior Travel Analyst Muhammad Hamza also spoke on the occasion.

Proceedings of the program were conducted by Kacho Hassan khan, Lecturer English.

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