Chandigarh, March 29 – Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal has condoled the death of Justice G.L. Raina, the father-in-law of Media Advisor, Sh. Amit Arya. Justice G.L. Raina, had been unwell for a long time and was undergoing treatment at a hospital in Gurugram. He took his last breath today and the last rites of the departed soul will be performed in Jammu on Wednesday.
In a message issued here today, Sh. Manohar Lal expressed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and prayed for the peace of the departed soul.
Justice G.L. Raina retired as the Chief Justice of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court and had also rendered services as the Lokayukta of Jammu and Kashmir. He had also worked as Chairman in a number of Judicial Commissions. Besides, Dr. Gayatri Arya he leaves behind two more daughters.
Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. V Umashankar and Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister and Director General of Information, Public Relations and Languages Department Dr. Amit Agrawal also expressed condolences to the bereaved family.