CM Shri Chouhan planted a Harr sapling in Dhapada village

CM Shri Chouhan planted a Harr sapling in Dhapada village
July 28

CM Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan planted a sapling of Harr in the Bori Resort premises during his stay. Shri Chouhan has been planting saplings regularly since his announcement to plant saplings every day. In this sequence, he planted saplings during his stay in Hoshangabad division. Harr tree is a very useful in the form of medicine. Its fruit, bark and gum are used as medicine in asthama, stone, eye and heart diseases. The ripe fruit is used as an expectorant and tonic, as well as for cold sores and chronic ulcers, cough, asthama and urinary infections. Harr is used in making Triphala, which is consumed for stomach ailments. A paste of its root is made and applied in the eyes. In tribal areas, people chew its unroasted fruits for cough and the juice of the bark of its stem is given to cure stomach ache.