Delhi, 01 NOV 2023
With a view to institutionalizing Swachhata and minimizing pendency in the Government, Special Campaign 3.0 was launched by the Ministry of MSME, on 2nd October, 2023, with a special focus on improving overall cleanliness of its offices, spread all over the country, by removing redundant and obsolete scrap material and for clearing pendencies in PMO/VIP references, Public Grievances and Appeals, Parliament Assurances etc. During the preparatory phase (from 15.09.23 to 30.09.23), the Ministry of MSME, set targets under various parameters, after consulting its subordinate offices / organisations and participated in the Special Campaign 3.0 with full zeal and enthusiasm. The Special Campaign 3.0 in the Ministry has been successfully completed on 31st October, 2023, by achieving 100% targets in 10 out of 11 parameters set for the Campaign.
The Ministry of MSME also identified all the pendencies relating to VIP References, PMO References, MP References, State Government References, Cabinet References, Public Grievance/Appeals, for their appropriate disposal. In the matter of pendency disposal, all the State Government References, PMO references, Parliament assurances, Cabinet references were appropriately liquidated leading to full attainment of the set targets and more than 95% of targeted MP references have also been cleared under the Campaign. Besides this, 548 cleanliness campaigns have been organized by the Ministry and its organisations.
Shri Narayan Rane, Union Minister for MSME flagged off the Special Campaign 3.0 by participating in ‘Swachhata Sewa’ at Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Central Office, Mumbai.
Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma, Union MoS for MSME participated in Swachhata/cleanliness drives at Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization (MGIRI), Wardha, Maharashtra, an institution of Ministry of MSME, with the prime objective of cleaning the office premises, better space management and making the environment clean and green.
The Divisions of the Ministry participated actively in Special Campaign 3.0. A token of appreciation was awarded to the leading Divisions in the Swachhata Campaign, within the Ministry.
During the campaign, a special attention was accorded to overall improvement of the working environment in the offices and also to ensure improved work experience for the officers and officials. As on 31.10.2023, with the valuable contributions made by all the its sub-ordinate office & organisations i.e. DC Office, KVIC, NSIC, Coir Board, Ni-MSME and MGIRI, the Ministry of MSME attained remarkable achievements. 23911 physical files were reviewed and 4998 files were weeded out. Files and scrap disposal have earned a revenue of Rs. 50,47,593/-. Total space freed for official use stands at 17,664 Sq. Feet.
The Ministry of MSME stands committed to carrying forward the initiatives undertaken as part of Special Campaign 3.0.