Chandigarh July 15 – Dial-112 emergency number of Haryana Police launched by the Chief Minister Sh. Manohar Lal on July 12 has proved to be a boon for a family of Tohana in Fatehabad district. With the prompt action of the police personnel posted on this emergency response vehicle (ERV), a child who was separated from his loved ones was reunited.
The family members thanked the police team after finding the child safe.
Avtar Singh, a resident of Krishna Colony, Tohana, had left home for the market for some work. During this, his three-and-a-half-year-old grandson also left the house after him and lost his way and reached the market. At the same time, when Dial-112 ERV-Innova reached near Brar chowk, it was found some people were standing with a distracted child. When the staff posted at ERV enquired about his family, the child could not tell anything.
The team deployed on the ERV brought the child to the police station and spread information about it in the nearby areas. As soon as the family members got information, they reached the police station and their happiness knew no bounds after finding the child safe.
It is worthwhile that under Dial 112 service, two Innova vehicles have been provided in all the police stations across the state which reaches the spot in 15-20 minutes after getting a distress call. Citizens say that with the arrival of these vehicles, the police presence in public places has increased even more