EC Tashi reviews status of developmental works under Tourism Sector

EC Tashi reviews status of developmental works under Tourism Sector

EC Tashi reviews status of developmental works under Tourism Sector

KARGIL, FEBRUARY 19, 2021: In order to review the ongoing schemes of Tourism Sector in Kargil District under Capex Budget, Special Development Package (SDP), and State Sector, a review meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Executive Councilor for Tourism Er Phunsok Tashi at Council Secretariat here today.

Former Executive Councillor and Councilor Choskore Constituency, Nasir Hussain Munshi, CEO Kargil Development Authority (KDA) Ghulam Mohiuddin Wani, CEO Zanskar Development Authority (ZDA) Sonam Dorjay, Executive Engineers of KDA and ZDA besides other officers were present in the meeting.

During the course of the meeting, Rs 5 crores was approved under State Sector and Capex Budget through Kargil and Zanskar Development Authority and Assistant Director Tourism Kargil for the year 2021.

While reviewing the status of expenditure, EC Tashi directed the executing agency to expedite works on all pending schemes to complete them at the earliest possible.

EC Tashi also directed the executing agencies to propose new works as per the requirements of the areas particularly focusing on winter related sports so that winter tourism can be further boosted in the district. He also directed officers to carry out consultations with all the stakeholders associated with the tourism industry.

The EC also stressed on the executing agencies to strictly adhere to the codal formalities during the execution of works, and to work with added zeal and enthusiasm to achieve maximum targets.

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