Fair Price Shop
May 27th
Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Bicholim Taluka office invited applications from following interested parties to run a fair price shop residing in the locality of Chinch Bhatwadi Mayem Village of Bicholim Taluka viz , Co-Operative Societies of Educated unemployed Registered Cooperative Societies, Educated unemployed, Village Panchayat and Urban local bodies, scheduled caste/Tribes , Freedom fighters, physically handicapped and other having suitable premises for handling and storing PDS commodities. In case of Cooperative societies, the majority of the members should be important required to be educated unemployed and should be on the live Registered of Employment Exchange and the age limit of each member should within 18 to 45 years. Educated unemployed should have passed S.S.C through any recognised school in Goa State, and should be on the live register of the Employment Exchange and the age limit of each member should be within 18-45 years. Besides, he/she should be completely free from encumbrance. No member of family definition being father/mother/spouse, unmarried sons/daughter/ and unmarried brother/ sister living in the same undivided family should have authorization to run a fair shop in the State of Goa. The application should reach to the Bicholim Taluka office of the Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Bicholim Taluka on or before June 24, 2021