Health Department officials should take necessary steps to prevent the spread of dengue – Health Minister

हरियाणा के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री श्री अनिल विज ने कहा कि राज्य सरकार द्वारा खरखौदा में 50 बिस्तरीय नागरिक अस्पताल की सैद्धांतिक स्वीकृति पहले ही प्रदान की जा चुकी है

Give special focus on intensive fogging- Anil Vij

Chandigarh, October 18– Haryana Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij directed the officers of the Health Department and all the Civil Surgeons of the State to establish coordination with the Deputy Commissioner, Urban Local Department and Panchayati Raj Department officials in their respective districts in order to take necessary steps for prevention of dengue and also focus on intensive fogging.

Sh. Vij was holding a review meeting on Dengue and COVID Vaccination etc. with all the Civil Surgeons of the State through video conferencing here today.

He directed to take necessary steps and make special efforts to prevent dengue as the cases of dengue are increasing continuously.  He said that health teams would have to be activated for the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases and these teams should continuously check the larvae and also insist on spraying medicines etc.

Sh. Vij said that though there have been no deaths due to dengue in the state so far, efforts have to be made to reduce the dengue cases as till now 60 percent patients who are testing for dengue are testing positive.  Similarly, while referring to the new guidelines regarding giving platelets to dengue patients, he said that the government has issued new guidelines regarding platelets, which will be shared with the concerned officials and doctors soon.

Similarly, giving guidelines regarding COVID, he asked the officials to expedite the vaccination and especially for the second dose, contact the eligible people for the second dose and work to vaccinate them.

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On this occasion, Additional Chief Secretary, Health Department, Sh. Rajeev Arora while assuring the Health Minister said that special emphasis would be laid on prevention of dengue and focus will be directed towards administration of second dose of the COVID vaccine.

On this occasion, Mission Director, NHM, Sh. Prabhjot Singh, Director General, Health Services Dr. Veena Singh and Director, Dr. Usha Gupta and other senior officers were present.

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