Fit India Freedom Run was also held
Ludhiana, December 24 2021
Field Outreach Bureau (FOB) of the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in coordination with the district health department organised a Covid vaccination camp at Green Enclave in Jassian, Ludhiana, today. The camp was held at Takshshila Vidya Mandir School premises.
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Hundreds of people got themselves vaccinated for both first and second doses to protect them from the pandemic.
Special Caps with ‘I am Vaccinated ‘ tag, hand sanitizers, masks and refreshment were distributed amongst the beneficiaries.
District Immunization Officer Dr Manisha was honoured by the Field Publicity Officer of the Bureau along with Dr Kartik Bansal and her other team members on the occasion.
Earlier, a Fit India Freedom Run 2.0 was organised by the bureau at Guru Nanak Dev Stadium in the morning to make fitness an integral part of our daily lives. First three winners Sagar, Shubham Rawat and Kishan Sonkar were awarded by Distt Sports Officer Ravinder Singh, Field Publicity Officer Rajesh Bali, Coach Sanjeev Sharma.