Hunar 2021 at USOL

Chandigarh July 7, 2021

 University School of Open Learning, Panjab University, Chandigarh, today organized its sixth annual cultural event Hunar, a platform that gives students to explore their talents, included creative items and activities such as writings of poetry and essay, poster making, dance, singing, poetry recitation, photography and filmmaking. Keeping in view the pandemic norms of social distancing and self-isolation, the event was organized online. The students had emailed as many as two hundred entries through PDFs and videos.

            The Chairperson, Prof Madhurima Verma, introduced the chief guests Prof S. K. Tomar, the Dean Students’ Welfare (Men) and Prof Meena Sharma, Dean Students’ Welfare (Women). Referring to the celebration of the Golden Jubilee year of USOL, Prof Verma highlighted the distinctive services rendered by the institution in the field of open learning and education.

            In his address, Prof Tomar congratulated the organizers for the event in the difficult times of the Covid and extolled the efforts of the students. Invoking the landmark mythical character of Eklavya, a dalit, Prof Tomar called him the first distant learner as he mastered the skill of archery staying away from his teacher Dronacharya.  He also called upon to institute a judicious balance between the three coordinates of education—the teacher, the taught and the study material.

            Prof Meena Sharma appreciated the event and called it nothing less than a stress buster and confidence booster for the students as the preparation of and engagement with the creative-cultural items distanced them from the environment suffused negativity triggered by the covid. The judgment of each creative item was prepared by a team of three faculty members.

            Eight teachers including Prof Neeru, Prof Harsh, Prof Praveen, Prof Sukhpreet, Dr Kuljeet, Dr Parveen, Dr Kamala and Dr Richa gave a comprehensive introduction to each creative item and presented the judgment by making a declaration of the first, second, third position and consolation prizes. As many as 40 students were declared as prize winners.  The two prize winning students Mr Gopi and Ms Anand Priya shared their enriching experiences regarding the preparation of their respective items.

            The coordinator of the event, Dr Ravinder Kaur Dhaliwal and co-coordinator Dr Reena Chaudhari, along with a dedicated team of faculty members, put strenuous efforts to organize the event.

            Dr Sucha Singh provided the technical support to conduct the event. Mr Sudhir Baweja conducted the event eloquently and Dr Kamala Sandhu proposed a vote of thanks.