KVIB Shopian providing continuous/ sustainable support to unemployed youth

SHOPIAN, MAY 14, 2021: The Khadi Village and Industries Board (KVIB) Office of Shopian has been providing continuous and sustainable support to the youth of Shopian by assistance in terms of counselling and finance.
One of such case has been of an unemployed youth namely Mohammad Abbas Sheikh of Palapora, Shopian who approached the KVIB Shopian for assistance during the year 2019-20.
As per KVIB Shopian, Sheikh was provided counselling by experts and counsellors at KVIB office about its schemes. After counselling he got ready to establish a Bakery manufacturing unit at Palapora Shopian as he was well acquainted/familiar with this profession.
It was given out that the KVIB Shopian sponsored his case under JKREGP Scheme of KVIB and a loan of Rs.13.00 lacs was sanctioned in his favour with the margin money of Rs.4.55 lacs that too was provided by KVIB Shopian.
The said Bakery Unit is now running successfully, Shiekh besides  earning for his livelihood has successfully been able to further provide employment to more than 15 unemployed persons.
M Abbas Sheikh has now appealed the unemployed youth of Shopian to come forward and approach KVIB Shopian to take the benefit of the Government Sponsored Schemes.
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