KARGIL MAY 18, 2021: In an attempt to take governance to the doorsteps, Labour Department Kargil organised one day camp for registration and renewal of shops and establishments for shopkeepers at Drass here today.
In this regard, with support of the Sub Divisional Administration, a camp office was established at Tourist Dak Bungalow Drass.
The camp was supervised by the Assistant Labour Commissioner (ALC), Kargil Raziya Khatoon who was accompanied by Amina Khatoon, Labour Inspector and other officials.
More than 70 shops and establishments were renewed during the camp while registration process in case of new establishments was also initiated.
Later, the ALC along with the SDM Drass Ghulam Asgar also visited the labour quarantine centres of the Army at Drass. The Incharge quarantine centres briefed them about the necessary arrangements for labourers and measures in place to ensure strict adherence of COVID-19 SOPs.
Meanwhile, the ALC Kargil along with other concerned officials also visited various construction sites in and around Drass Town to monitor the adherence of COVID-19 protocol by the workers and contractors during the execution of construction works.