MoS for Social Justice and Empowerment Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar virtually inaugurates camp for free distribution of Aid & Assistive devices to 1105 Divyangjanin Mansa, Punjab

Delhi 03 JUL 2021

Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar,inaugurated the campfor free distribution ofAid & Assistive devices at Block level among theidentified Divyangjansunder ADIP Scheme of Government of Indiatoday atBareta city, MansaDistrict, Punjab.The Chief Guest of the function Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar was present virtually through Video Conference in the function from Faridabad.

Addressing on the occasion Minister said thatunder the leadership of Prime Minister, the  department has done unprecedented work for welfare of Divyangjan consistently during the years. Speaking about the need of conducting such distribution camps, Minister said that organizing such camps helps in spreading the awareness about the welfare schemes run by Central Government for Divyangjan as also to empower them and bring them into the main stream of the society.

“Unique ID for Persons with Disabilities” project is being implemented with a view of creating a National Database for PwDs, and to issue a Unique Disability Identity Card to each person with disabilities, Minister informed that the UDID scheme has been implemented in all the states across the country,  Persons with disabilities will not need to make multiple copies of documents as the card will capture all the necessary details and is valid throughout the country,the UDID card will be the single document of identification, verification of the disabled for availing various benefits in future, about 57 Lakh 95 Thousand UDID cards have already been issued.He further informed that, scheme for implanting cochlear devices for children who are deaf by birth and can’t speak, has been implemented by ministry with the provision ofRs. 6 lakh for each such child.He urged public representatives and administration that list of such needy children in Mansa District may be provided to the Ministry so that eligible beneficiary may get the benefit of the central run scheme for Cochlear Implant.

Total 1105 number of beneficiaries of Mansa District were pre-identifiedwith 2253 number of assistive appliances of different category valuing worth of Rs. 109.59Lakh.Such assistive devices will be distributed free of cost under the ADIP Scheme among the beneficiaries by organizing series of distribution camps at block levels.The identification and registration of divyangjanbeneficiaries was done in the month of February this year by ALIMCO in association with District administration Mansa, Punjab.

The distribution camp wasorganized by Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO), Kanpur working under the aegis of Department of Empowerment of Person with Disability (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of Indiain association with District administration Mansaas per new approved Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) issued by Ministry in wake of COVID 19 pandemic.

Total number of Aids and appliance that will be distributed in different blocks include 375Tricycle, 143Wheel Chair, 18 C.P Chair, 430 Crutches, 111 Walking Sticks, 15Rollator,04 Smart Cane, 05 Smart Phone for visually impaired, 957 Hearing Aid,17 MSIED Kit for Intellectually Impaired, ADL (Assistance for Daily Living) kit for Leprosy and 196 Artificial Limbs and Calipers.