RUPNAGAR,10 JULY 2021 On directions of National Legal Services Authority (NLSA), New Delhi and guidance of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ajay Tiwari, Judge Punjab & Haryana High Court-cum- Executive Chairman, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar, National Lok Adalat was organized today at District Courts, Rupnagar. Ms. Harpreet Kaur Jeewan, District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairperson, District Legal Services Authority, Rupnagar intimated that total 17 benches of National Lok Adalat were constituted at District Headquarter, Sub-Divisions Sri Anandpur Sahib and Nangal. A total of 1516 cases were listed for hearing before these 17 benches of National Lok Adalat, out of which 490 were disposed of on the spot, and awards amounting to Rs. 37091250 were passed. She stated that a Lok Adalat is the best way to achieve cheaper and quicker resolution of disputes. If the matter is settled during the Lok Adalat, then the court fee already paid by a party at the time of filing of a case is refunded. Apart from this the disputes resolved through Lok Adalat are on the basis of mutually acceptable terms, which not only brings an end to the long-standing dispute, but also puts an end to litigation forever, as there is no appeal against the decision/award made by Lok Adalat. It is a win-win situation for both the parties. She said that Lok Adalat not only resolves the disputes amicably but also strengthens the social fabric by advancing the concept of fraternity. She thanked all the Judicial Officers, General Public and other stakeholders who worked hard and made this National Lok Adalat a success.