There is large amount of variety in eye-colours across the world. Maximum number of people have brown colouredeyes while the least have green eye colour. In recent studies conducted by a group of researchers, it was found that personality traits and eye-colour are inter-related.
1. People With Light Coloured Eyes Have Better Pain Tolerance: People with blue or green eyes have a greater pain tolerance as compared to people with black or brown eyes. People with a light eye colour are also more optimistic and can bear pain easily. Their coping strategies are also better.
2. Brown Eyes Are A Sign Of Trustworthiness: As most people have brown eyes, a study was conducted separately to understand their personality. It was revealed that they are quite trustworthy, intelligent, and kind.
3. People With Blue Eyes Are Intimidating: A number of people revealed that they find people with blue eyes attractive overall. It is not just because of their eye colourbut their personality which is a mixture of kindness and sweetness.
4. Men With Brown Eyes: are no doubt attractive but at the same time, they are most likely to suffer from mental health issues like depression and anxiety. However, it is not the same case when it comes to women.
5. Black Eyes And Females: Females with black eyes might not be very confident about themselves and are found to have self- doubts. They are also likely to refrain from social interactions due to fear of being judged. They think they are not very attractive and might embarrass themselves if they try to communicate. You would find them sitting in the corner of a club while their friends are partying.

When the study was concluded, it was found that people with grey eyes are the most attractive and intimidating.