Prime Minister applauds singer Kailash Kher for his new song ‘Kashi Stuti’

Delhi,10 DEC 2023 

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has applauded singer Kailash Kher for his new song ‘Kashi Stuti’.
Shri Modi also paid obeisances to glory of immortal and imperishable Kashi and said that the presentation of this song with full of devotion is captivating.

Responding to the X post of Kailash Kher, the Prime Minister posted on X;

“अजर-अमर-अविनाशी काशी की महिमा को बारंबार प्रणाम! भक्ति भाव से भरी आपकी ये प्रस्तुति मन को मोह लेने वाली है।

जय बाबा विश्वनाथ!”