PU Allows Re-Evaluation


Chandigarh July 23, 2021

The Panjab University(PU) has allowed provision of re-evaluation to those candidates  who appeared in ONLINE EXAMINATIONS held in the months of January to March 2021, informed Dr. Jagat Bhushan, Controller of Examination, PU.  Those candidates whose results have been declared may apply for re-evaluation w.e.f. 27-07-2021 to 10-08-2021 (within 15 days) by following the instructions given as under and those candidates whose results are yet to be declared can apply for re-evaluation within 15 days from the date of declaration of result.

  1. The interested UG/PG students may apply for re-evaluation via online mode only within 15 days i.e. w.e.f. 27.07.2021 to 10.08.2021 via https://ugexam.puexam.in/Reevaluation/Login.aspx (for UG students) and via https://pgexam.puexam.in/Reevaluation/Login.aspx (for PG students) and in the subjects/cases where online facility for re-evaluation is not available, they can apply via offline mode in the prescribed proforma, available on the PU website, or can be obtained from the office of the Assistant Registrar (Re-evaluation), within the stipulated period as mentioned above. No extension in last date is to be given under any circumstances;
  2. Offline form/s along with requisite fee receipt should reach the office of the Assistant Registrar (Re-evaluation), P.U., Chandigarh, upto 10-08-2021 by 5.00 pm failing which it will not be considered for re-evaluation under any circumstances and incomplete form/s in any manner will also not be entertained;
  3. Re-evaluation fee can be paid online via direct link available at the bottom of page while applying for re-evaluation or offline via post office. It is advised to the students that fee may not be paid via any other link of the Panjab University.