Chandigarh September 10, 2021
Department of Psychology, Police Administration and Dept. of Prison, Chandigarh Administration observed today the World Suicide Prevention Day (Online).
Sh Praveer Ranjan-IPS, DGP of Chandigarh Police inaugurated the event and delivered presidential address by saying the Suicide among Youth is increasing and it must be focussed by every corner of society. Today’s youth are facing very peculiar challenges in term of career, education and ongoing uncertainty toward life. Further, he referred to the Crime Record Bureau data pertaining to increased rates of suicide which is increased 3.4% during 2019. He added that Youth are more vulnerable and it is a serious matter of concern. He informed that lot of Suicide Help lines are functional still the numbers are increasing as awareness about the existing systems to prevent suicide need to be enhanced. He shared that 51 number of suicides were committed in Chandigarh in the year 2021, out of which, 15 were female and 38 were male. In the year 2020, there were 151 suicides in Chandigarh.
Sh, Omvir Singh, IPS, Adl. Inspector general of Prison said that the role of psychologists and psychiatrists is well demanded when a person faces conflicted situation, unrest among youth career issues, family issues and academic problems remained unsolved. Majority of today’s youth are not sharing their issues amongst peers, parents and teachers which is the main cause of their emotional conflicts.
Dr. Dalip Singh delivered the key note address and emphasized on very important role of Emotional Intelligence in contemporary uncertainty. He added that the suicide happens in the presence of negative emotions and when we are emotionally weak and, unable to bear the amount of stress. He added that Govt should include mental training to face challenges of life in the curriculum at school and college levels.
Dr. Dinesh Kataria, Prof and Head of Psychiatry, Lady Harding Medical College in his address said that the emotional turmoil and non-directional thought is one of the main cause of suicides among youth. Depression is among the top causes in India and males have higher rate of successful suicides and women have higher rate of attempted suicide. The remedies to prevent suicides include education, positive role of media, remove social stigma, availability of screening and assessment, social awareness etc. Mental Health must be considered at par with physical health.
Dr. Roshan Lal, Chairperson, Department said that “We are Born to Live not to Leave”. Adversities in human life is the integral part of our life so everyone must have that level of resilience to adapt.
International speakers- Mr Matt Perelstein CEO, Co-Founder, EQ4Peace Worldwide, USA stressed upon the existing socio-economic heterogeneity among masses. People lacking peace of mind with poor emotional quotient is one the main reason for committing suicide.
Prof Afseen from The University of Punjab-Lahore also shared her views and said suicide is very serious issue due to psycho-socio-economical as well others factors.
Prof N.S. Tung Pro-Vice Chancellor, SGT University Gurgaon moderated the Panel session in which six speakers from India and Abroad including young psychiatrist Dr. Neilofor, from Telangana shared their expertise and discussed the role of society is important to eradicate the suicide
Prof H.K Chhabra expressed the vote of thanks.
All present took oath to fight against the suicide and creating hope through action to train the people to Live Not to Leave