Skin care is extremely essential to make you look flawless. Make up and several other products are available in the market for the purpose. However, anything is not likely to work if you have clearly visible blackheads or whiteheads. They mostly appear on nose as white or black spots which form due to clogging of pores by dirt or bacteria. Blackheads mostly form due to collection of sebum which is then oxidised by air and light turning the pore black. Whiteheads do not tend to turn black as they have a small opening which doesn’t allow air to come in contact with it thereby preventing oxidisation.
Causes Of Blackheads And Whiteheads:
1.Hormonal Imbalance: is likely to cause blackheads because there are hormonal changes in the body which lead to production of excessive oils by the skin which ultimately clog our pores and form a blackhead.
2.Use Of Comedogenic Products: A comedogenicproduct is one which does not clog our pores. Several beauty products can interfere with oil levels of the skin and clog our pores.
3.Humidity: can lead to excessive sweating which can clog our pores.
Remedies For Clogged Pores:
1.Proper skin routine might help you avoid the accumulation of dirt on the skin. Cleaning your skin twice a day using a mild soap or scrub can be effective.
2. Peel off masks are another effective way to help you deal with blackheads and whiteheads. When the sheet mask is pulled off it attaches all the dirt on the skin and pulls it along with the mask.
3.Avoid using oil based makeup. Especially if your skin is oily and you use oil based makeup, you are likely to end up with clogged pores. Thus, it is essential to read the labels of your products before buying them.