Secretary RD & PR Ladakh interacts with BDC Chairpersons in Kargil 

Secretary RD & PR Ladakh interacts with BDC Chairpersons in Kargil 

Secretary RD & PR Ladakh interacts with BDC Chairpersons in Kargil 

KARGIL, DECEMBER 26, 2020: Secretary Rural Development (RD) and Panchayati Raj (PR) Ladakh Saugat Biswas interacted with the Block Development Council (BDC) Chairpersons of Kargil District at Tourist Facilitation Center Bemathang here today.

Assistant Commissioner Development Kargil Ghulam Muhammad, District Panchayat Officer, Kargil Shabir Hussain, BDC Chairpersons of different blocks of the district besides other concerned officers attended the meeting.

During the course of the meeting, the Secretary RD took brief from the BDC Chairpersons about the status of the pace of progress achieved on various schemes like MGNREGA, PMAY, 14th FC, State Sector, SDP and other related schemes and developmental needs and concerns in their respective blocks.

The BDC Chairpersons apprised the Secretary RD Ladakh about the various issues with regard to the implementation of developmental schemes in their respective blocks and sought his intervention for their immediate redressal.

The BDC Chairpersons urged the Secretary RD for early release of the pending work done liabilities of 2019-2020 amounting to Rs 1.94 crores and Rs 11.50 Crores of 2020-2021 in respect of various works under MGNREGA.

Underlining the need for introduction of micro irrigation/drip irrigation system as a pragmatic solution for water conservation in rural areas of the district, the BDC Chairpersons projected demand for BDC Constituency funds in the budget of the next financial year.

In order to boost rural economy through the assets created by Rural Development Department under MGNREGA like fish ponds, poultry farms, vermicompost units and other related assets, the BDC Chairpersons sought the intervention of the Secretary RD for provision of subsidy in their favor under the District Capex and UT Budget.

The Secretary RD gave a patient hearing to all issues and demands projected by the BDC Chairpersons and assured them to consider all issues for appropriate resolution in a phased manner. He also sought cooperation of the BDCs in making CSC centres operational in every GP, speeding Aadhaar enrolements, and seeding of Aadhaar for various beneficiary oriented schemes.

As regards to the conduct of Gram Sabha in the Panchayats under Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP), the Secretary RDD asked the  BDC Chairpersons to submit schedules of Gram Sabha in their respective Panchayats so that necessary directions could be issued to all the 21 concerned departments to to ensure partcipation and contribute in the planning process with the BDC Chairpersons.

Biswas also urged the Chairpersons to speed up Swaccha Bharat Mission in their villages and allocate land for setting up of solid waste management plants.

He assured the BDC Chairpersons of every cooperation of the UT Administration that may be required to strengthen grassroot democracy and the Panchayat system, of which the Block Development Councils are an important part.