SKUAST Jammu, CBRTI Pune organize National Training on Beekeeping

SKUAST Jammu, CBRTI Pune organize National Training on Beekeeping
SKUAST Jammu, CBRTI Pune organize National Training on Beekeeping
JAMMU, 27JUNE,2021-
Three day National level training programme on beekeeping was organized by AICRP (Honeybee and Pollinators), Division of Entomology, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Jammu from June 24 to June 26, 2021.
The programme was organized in collaboration with Central Beekeeping Research and Training Institute (CBRTI), Pune, Maharashtra.
The nominated officials from Directorate of Agriculture, Jammu and Kashmir and Department of Horticulture, Planning and marketing, Jammu participated in the training programme.
 Vice Chancellor SKUAST-J&K, Dr. J. P. Sharma was Chief Guest, while Dr. Balraj Singh, Project Coordinator, AICRP (Honeybee and Pollinators), New Delhi was guest of honour during the programme.
The Vice Chancellor, in his inaugural address, exhorted that there is a need for convergence of the UT department and SKUAST-Jammu for providing maximum benefit to the beekeeping community. Beekeeping can be started with minimal investment and without any land requirement. Beekeeping is a very lucrative business with a very short repayment of one year. He stressed on the diversification in beekeeping, quality control of bee products, branding and packaging which can supplement and complement the income of the beekeepers. Dr. Balraj Singh, Project Coordinator, New Delhi stated that there are about 2.5 lakh beekeepers in the country having 35 lakh bee colonies. The honey production in India during 2020-21 was 1.22 thousand metric tons. The bee colonies requirement for pollination of the crops is more than one crore as against the 35 lakh bee colonies at present. Director Agriculture, Jammu K. K. Sharma discussed the problems and prospects of beekeeping in the Jammu region in view of doubling farmers’ income.
Dr. Devinder Sharma, PI of the Project, said that bees are vital links of the ecosystem and therefore promoting apiculture is of huge importance for the environment.
Dr. R. K. Gupta Head of Division, in his remarks outlined the work done in the University.
The scientists from different parts of the country viz. Dr. Lakshmi Rao, Assistant Director, CBRTI, Pune, M.H; Dr. Harish Sharma, Principal Scientist YSPHU&F, Solan  H.P.; Dr. Parmod Mall, GBPU&T Pant Nagar, Uttarakhand; Dr. Gopal Paliwal, Secretary and Director, Center for Bee Development Wardha M.H.; Dr. Sunita Yadav, Scientist, Entomology,  HAU, Hisar, Haryana; Dr. S. K. Sharma, Sr. Scientist Entomololgy, CSKHPKV, Palampur, H.P.; Dr. Jaspal Singh, Principal Scientist, Entomology, PAU, Ludhiana; Dr. Sunita Yadav, Scientist, Entomology,  HAU, Hisar, Haryana; Dr. S. K. Sharma, Sr. Scientist Entomology, CSKHPKV, Palampur, H.P.; Dr. Jaspal Singh, Principal Scientist, Entomology, PAU, Ludhiana; Dr. H.R. Bhargava, Assistant Professor, Bangalore University, Karnataka ; Dr. Ramandeep Singh, Professor, School of Business, PAU Ludhiana, Punjab; Dr. Kumar Nag M.,  Scientist, AICRP (Honeybee and Pollinator) New Delhi delivered expert lectures on Scientific beekeeping and apiary management; Transforming traditional beekeeping with Apis cerana; Pollinator and Pollination : role in crop production; Conservation of Native honeybees (Apis dorsata  and  Apis florae), Bee floral calendar for migratory beekeeping; Management of bee diseases; Management of enemies in apiary; Queen bee rearing; Migratory beekeeping; Pesticides and pollinators; Value addition in beekeeping; Bee venom production techniques; Honey Value Chains and Market Management; Quality issue in bee products and challenges in beekeeping. Director Research, Dr. Jagpaul Sharma was the chief guest during valedictory while Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal was guest of honour. The participants expressed gratitude to the organizers and requested that such programmes should be conducted frequently. Dr. Amit Singh, Dr. Uma Shankar and Dr. Rajan Salalia were the rapporteur and help in smooth conduct of training programme.