State Government co-contributes to Atal Pension Yojna

Shimla,16 June 2021
A Government spokesperson said here today that government of Himachal Pradesh is providing co-contribution of Rs. 2000 or 50% of the contribution, whichever is less as additional benefit to the subscribers viz, Anganwari Workers, Mid-day Meal Workers, MGNREGA workers, farmers, agriculture, horticultural labourers, shop workers etc. under the Atal Pension Yojna.
He said that with the objective to attract new subscribers and to extend the benefit of Atal Pension Yojna to maximum number of un-organized sector workers, the State Government has decided to extend this scheme till 31st March, 2022 and continue co-contribution of Government in the accounts of existing eligible beneficiaries and also new subscribers, registered under the Atal Pension Yojna, upto 31st March, 2022.