A meeting was convened under the Chairmanship of Sh. Dharam Pal, Advisor to Administrator, Chandigarh Administration with the theme “To make Chandigarh TB free by 2024”. The Chairperson made a clarion call to all the stakeholders for putting their best and most concerted efforts in order to achieve this target.
This was the third meeting with all the stakeholders from Health department namely Chandigarh State AIDS Control Society, NVHCP, AYUSH, Malaria, ICDS, Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram etc. Departments from the administration such as IMA, Social Welfare, Drug Controllers, Education, Higher Education, Medical Colleges, Food Safety etc. also participated. The meeting was also marked with presence from various NGOs across the UT such as Rotary and its various branches, Lions Club Chandigarh etc. Advisor sir has requested everyone present in person and spirit to contribute to the mammoth but definitely possible task of making a TB Free Chandigarh.
Shri Dharam Pal told stakeholders to adopt various unadopted areas of Chandigarh for TB screening, awareness and nutritional support. A holistic approach will be followed in identification, treatment and management of TB patients and their families. He told to make a full proof plan so that whole Chandigarh may be covered in one go for diagnosis, awareness and treatment.
A mobile diagnostic van with portable x-ray machine may be used for screening and diagnosis after proper mapping of the establishments. MD NHM also informed that the UT has already received a hand-held X ray machine from ICMR project which will also be used for field level screening and diagnosis. A lot of other important decisions have been taken in this meeting which will go a long way in achieving the target of TB elimination in Chandigarh.
He has assured support to the program from the state at all possible levels which includes diagnostic, community engagement, treatment services, and social support to all diagnosed TB patients and their families. He has expressed the wish to declare Chandigarh as TB Free on World TB Day 2024, the desire to achieve the target of elimination even before the national target of 2025. The health administration, National TB Elimination Program and all present stakeholders have assured Advisor sir that they would leave no stone unturned to make this dream come true under the able aegis and guidance of the administrators.
During the meeting, Sh. Ajay Chagti, Secretary Health Chandigarh Administration, Sh. Naveen SDM (S), Dr. Suman Singh, MD- NHM cum DHS, Chandigarh, Dr. Jasbinder Kaur, Director Principal GMCH-32, Chandigarh, Dr. Rajesh Kumar, State TB Officer, Dr. Pooja Kapoor, WHO Consultant, were also present.