eVIN Platform to maintain supply chain of COVID Materials: Balbir Singh Sidhu

Chandigarh, July 25:

The Punjab Government is using Effective Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN) to achieve real-time real time tracking supply chain of COVID-19 materials. This platform has proved significant to maintain supply and demand theory to overcome the shortage of essential materials.

Disclosing this here today, Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu said that first of its kind initiative of Punjab Government has technically supported by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This digital platform has been leveraged to strengthen the health system for real time tracking supply chain of COVID-19 materials. He said that this innovative tool ensures timely availability of materials needed in the time of pandemic. It provides a robust decision-making tool and an online web portal to maintain the records.

Mr. Sidhu said that at present 13 materials concerning to COVID-19 program was being tracked. This data is reflected with latest stocks and consumption pattern of the Health facilities and can be assessed by state and district level program officers. He said that separate domain was created for accessing COVID material in eVIN application under which number of materials and number of users can be configured and added based on respective request from districts.

Dr Manisha Mandal, Senior Project Officer, UNDP said that besides COVID-19 materials, monitoring of vaccine supplies and storage temperature conditions were also being done through eVIN. Daily data gets updated on the platform by data collection by vaccine cold chain managers in the state from the district medical store and the health facilities under the same. She said that similarly, inventory data is captured and uploaded using eVIN mobile application for the State Medical Stores and Government Medical Colleges in the state.