Expert Talk on Workforce Agility organized by CMH, PEC Chandigarh

Chandigarh, 17 October:

Dr. Sachin Gulati, Director Colleague Experience Group, American Express graced the premises of Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh for an expert talk on “Workforce Agility and Job Crafting” organized by the Centre of Management and Humanities on 17 October 2023.The session was aimed to expose the students to the expectations of the industry from the graduates in the current dynamic times and how they can emerge as an agile workforce.

CMH team welcomed Dr. Sachin and his team to the PEC campus. The speaker comes with 20+ years of diverse experience in Leading Multicultural teams with a delivery focus on Global Campus Recruitment Strategy, Talent & Performance Management, Inclusion & Diversity, Business Analytics, Shared Services Operations, and Marketing Campaign Management.

Dr. Sachin shared insights into the way the gap between the supply of talent and the number of jobs available affects the trends of the industry. Workforce agility can take different forms like skill skill-based evolution, skill agility, or leadership agility outlining the value that the employees bring to the table. The talent agility and career mobility framework and opportunities of students with diverse backgrounds with American Express were also deliberated.

Around 120 students across different semesters of B.Tech and Ph.D. participated enthusiastically in the session. The coordinator of the workshop Dr. Anuradha Thakur and other faculty members of CMH expressed their deepest gratitude to the speaker and congratulated him for delivering a meaningful and successful session.