Expert Talk organized by Institution Innovation Council-ECE, UIET

Chandigarh May 13, 2022

on National Technology Day

Expert talk on ‘Start up and IP Management Aspects’ was organized by Electronics & Communication Engineering branch of U.I.E.T. Panjab University, Chandigarh, under the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) program of Ministry of Education. Dr. Naresh Kumar, Coordinator E.C.E. welcomed Dr. Harsh Vardhan Samalia, Associate Professor, N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh, who acted as resource person on this occasion. Dr. Harsh Vardhan discussed the challenges and opportunities for start up and how Intellectual Property can play an important role in the growth of a start-up in terms of product manufacturing, services and revenue generation. His talk was informative and interactive. The audience posed a lot of queries which were answered by Dr. Harsh citing examples from Zomato, Uber, Facebook etc. He also discussed the various strategies applied by different reputed companies and some new start-ups to establish themselves in the market. More than 70 students from B.E.(E.C.E.) and M.E.(E.C.E.) attended the event. Students found the talk very informative, interesting and interactive.

Coordinator, ECE thanked the expert and appreciated the efforts of the organizing team consisting of Dr. Preeti Singh, Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Dr. Gurpreet Kaur and Ms. Shreya.

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