Chandigarh September 4, 2021

Professor Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University extends his felicitations to the faculty of PU on the occasion of Teachers Day, which is not merely the occasion for the pedagogues to receive cards, awards or bouquets but a day of self-analysis and stocktaking of this noble profession.

In his message , he added that we all know that a nation depends on the activities of the teachers and education system of the 21st century has changed radically with the integration of the technology in every sector with more matured students and education that meets requirements of industry and lays emphasis on life and career skills with no value for rote learning. The role of teacher in modern educational system is not only imparting merely knowledge to students but also, as a real architect of new generation, who is responsible to build personality of modern citizens. A teacher should be a lifelong learner and an excellent listener and their learning is the real meaning of learning from cradle to grave. Great teachers are not born in the minds of the students but they are born in the hearts of the students and a good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others, he added.

The present day need is of dedicated teachers who work conscientiously and contribute their mite for the all-inclusive development of the society by imparting proper education to the students which also cultivates virtues in their hearts. To make the lives of our students purposeful, a bonding relationship based on mutual trust and respect needs to be developed. I wish that such should be the student-teacher relationship that meeting with him brings delight and departure leave pleasant thoughts.

On this day, let us re-dedicate ourselves to our vocation and reiterate our commitment to the cause of teaching and research and follow ideals of Mahatma Gandhi of not losing faith in complete harmony of thought, word and deed and maintaining cohesion and solidarity in a democratic society  with the right education.