Five Renowned organisations to collaborate in the series

Ministry of Ayush organises series of five webinars on “Be with Yoga, Be at Home”

DELHI 23 MAY , 2021

The Ministry of Ayush is organising various activities in the run up to the International Day of Yoga, 2021. One among these is a series of five webinars that the Ministry is organising under the broad theme of “Be with Yoga, Be at Home” in collaboration with five renowned organisations of the country who will present one webinar each on a particular topic of importance in the current scenario. The first among the series will be held on Monday, 24 May by The Art of Living on “Finding inner strength amidst outer crisis.”

This series of five insightful webinars is aimed to remind to the wider audience about the issues that have become extremely important in the present context of Covid-19. The series will seek to develop a cumulative understanding to respond to these cross cutting issues, relying upon the collective experiential wisdom of five organisations that have their own distinctive tradition of learning and sharing.

The Art of Living will be presenting the Monday webinar on “Finding inner strength amidst outer crisis” from 5 PM onwards to address the challenges being faced by the vast multitude humanity due to the pandemic. Swami Purnachaitanya Ji, International Faculty, The Art of Living would share his insights. Shri P.N. Ranjit Kumar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Ayush, and Dr. Ishwar V. Basavaraddi, Director, MDNIY will also speak on the occasion.

All the webinars will be live-streamed on YouTube & Facebook Page of the Ministry of Ayush.

The other four webinars to follow in this series will be presented by The Yoga Institute, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Arham Dhyan Yog, and Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute.