Formation of a new High Powered Committee against corruption: Chief Minister

Formation of 6 new units of Haryana Vigilance at division level

The Chief Minister gave a lesson by giving the example from the story of “Lamp National Treasury”

Chandigarh, March 24 – Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while quoting an example from the story of “Lamp National Treasury”, said that like Chanakya used his private property for his official work, we should also ensure that there is no misuse of the Government resources and focus should be made on Character building. Apart from this, the Chief Minister also announced the formation of a new High Powered Committee against corruption and expansion of vigilance at the division level. The Chief Minister was addressing the press after a meeting of Deputy Commissioners and Superintendents of Police across the State at Haryana Niwas on Thursday.

Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that due to Covid-19, no personal meeting could be held with the District Deputy Commissioners and Superintendents of Police across the State. This meeting has been organized after two years. This is the 16th meeting in this episode. It mainly discussed the focus points of the recently presented budget. Along with this, monitoring of corruption was also discussed.

The Chief Minister said that to check corruption, while decentralizing the Haryana State Vigilance Bureau, it has been decided to set up six independent units at the divisional level. Prosecution sanction of these units at the divisional level will be with the Divisional Commissioner. The main task of these units will be the responsibility of investigating complaints received against Group B, C and D category Government Employees up to an amount of Rs. One crore. The State Vigilance Bureau will continue to investigate the complaints of Group-A category employees and an amount exceeding Rs. One crore or more. Apart from this, the District Vigilance Team is already functioning under the chairmanship of Additional District Deputy Commissioners by the Vigilance Department. The Government has equally strengthened them as well. In the last two months months, 98 complaints have also come to them, whose investigation is under review.

Formation of High Powered Committee against corruption

The Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that for the first time, the Government has constituted a High Powered Committee to check corruption more effectively. It will be headed by Chief Secretary, Haryana. Apart from this, it will include Financial Commissioner Revenue, Additional Chief Secretary Home, Director General of Police, Additional Director General of Police (CID) and Director State Vigilance Bureau as its members. This committee will meet every month to redress the complaints of corruption at the earliest.

The Chief Minister gave example from story of Chanakya

The Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal gave the example of the “Lamp National Treasury” story of Chanakya regarding building ones’ character. He said that once Chanakya was engaged in Government work while sitting under a lamp light. Suddenly a friend came to meet him. Chanakya asked him to wait and stop, after a while Chanakya extinguished his lamp and started talking to his friend by lighting another lamp. Noticing this, the friend asked the reason for extinguishing the lamp, and then he said that earlier I was doing government work in the lamp light burning with the oil of the Government treasury. Now my meeting with you is personal, so I have lit my own lamp, in which the oil bought from my personal funds is being used. The Chief Minister said that today we require such a great character which can be a source of inspiration for the entire country.

Separate HR Department for employees

Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that we have also decided to form a Human Resource (HR) Department, a new department for government employees. Under this department, the records related to the employees, their transfer, the cases and the pension record related matters after retirement will be kept. This Department will remain with the Chief Minister himself. At present, Special Secretary, Human Resources Department, Sh. Chander Shekhar Khare has been given charge.

Special Focus will be given to curb corruption

The Chief Minister added that in order to ensure corruption free state special focus will be given on punitive, remedial and character building to put a vigil against corruption. Corruption has penetrated deep today, earlier people did not expose it but we have worked to catch it. The main aim of the government is to create an atmosphere of fear in the minds of the corrupt. For this, the government has prepared an online system.

Loan providing phase will start from March 30

The Chief Minister said that two phases of the Antyodaya Rojgar Melas started to increase the income of the families having annual income of less than Rs. One lakh have been completed. The phase of providing loans to the beneficiaries will start from March 30. So far 1.42 lakh families have visited these fairs, out of which applications of 82,000 families have been verified. This process will continue like this in future also. The third phase of Antyodaya Melas will start in May.


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