GDC Kargil organizes Ecological Field Trip

Kargil, April 04, 2023 :- Department of Botany, Govt. Degree College Kargil on Monday organized one day field trip at Faruna village for students of BSc 2nd Semester to describe soil profile, Plant Ecology along with their identification.
The study used Quasi Experimental methods involving only past test design (Quadrate Method) under the supervision of HoD Botany Assistant Professor, Ahsan Ali.
The faculty members namely Assistant Professor Rinchen Angmo,
Assistant Professor, Maqsood Ahmad and
Assistant Professor, Villayat Ali also assisted the students during the trip.
The field trips are vital as for as education is concerned. Such events add to the exposure and scientific temper among the students.
Notably,  the Faruna and its adjoining areas like Tambis, Trespone and Saliskote serve as habitat for flora and fauna diversity in the district.
During the trip, the students were also studied the soil profile at Khumbathang area.