Government of India ensured that entire supplies of vaccines under direct State Procurement were provided before 21st June, 2021 to States/UTs

COVID19 Vaccination: Myths Vs. Facts

No balance doses of direct State Procurement pending with the vaccine manufacturers

In addition, Government of India provided adequate free doses to States/UTs, as scheduled

Delhi 22 JUN 2021

There have been some media reports alleging non-supply of any free vaccines for 18-44priority age group by Delhi government amid the ongoing free COVID-19 vaccination drive.

It is clarified that Government of India had ensured that full supplies of COVID-19 vaccines under the direct state procurement are provided to the concerned states before 21st June 2021.

As per data of state procurement, the allocated 5.6 lakh doses of direct state procurement have been supplied to Delhi before 21st June by the vaccine manufacturers. Further, an additional 8.8 lakh doses have been provided to Delhi under the Government of India procurement free of cost and more are in the pipeline which will be supplied by end of June 2021.As on 22nd June 2021, Delhi has over 9.9 lakh balance & unutilized doses of COVID vaccines available with it.

With effect from 21st June, 2021 both the State Government and Government of India supplies, irrespective of the type of supply, are to be used for population above 18 years as all categories of priority groups are now unified and are to be provided vaccination free of cost at the State designated GovernmentCVC.

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