Governor of Haryana, Sh. Bandaru Dattatraya has paid homage to the Kargil warriors on the 22nd anniversary of Kargil-Victory.

Chandigarh July 26- Governor of Haryana, Sh. Bandaru Dattatraya has paid homage to the Kargil warriors on the 22nd anniversary of Kargil-Victory. He said that the Indian soldiers are always ready for the highest purpose of their life that is their love of the country and the countrymen. This spirit of soldiers makes every Indian proud.

Sh. Dattatraya said that the importance of Kargil victory increases more for the country as well as for the people of Haryana. During the Kargil operation, more than 100 heroes of Haryana state had given their martyrdom, while a total of more than 500 soldiers of the army were martyred. He Salute to the families of the soldiers who martyre in the Kargil war.

He said that Haryana state is the land of heroes. He expressed his feeling on being appointment as the Governor “the Veer Bhoomi of Haryana State”. He said that earlier he got a chance to serve at Dev Bhoomi (Himachal). where he worked full dedication.

The Governor said that the history of Haryana state is full of “martyrdom of the heroes”, Whether it is the Mahabharata period, the British rule or the earlier wars of 1962, 1965, 1971, Indian soldiers have always fought the enemy firmly and raised the country’s head.

Sh. Dattatraya said that even at present, more than ten percent soldiers in the Indian Army are from Haryana, whereas the area of Haryana is only 2 percent of the country’s area. This shows that the spirit of patriotism which is filled in every youth of Haryana. The state government is also fully sensitive to the welfare of the military and paramilitary forces.

Appreciating the government’s schemes for the soldiers, the Governor said that the state government would provide financial assistance to the ex-servicemen their war widows, orphan children of the ex-servicemen, war widows of 1962, 1965 and 1971. The Haryana Government has been increased the assistance to Rs 4600 per month. Along with this, the financial assistance given to handicapped blind, paraplegic, tetraplegic and hemiplegic ex-servicemen was also increased to Rs.4600 per month. The state government has encouraged 41 dependents of martyred military/paramilitary forces by giving them jobs on compassionate grounds. Now the number of government job seekers has increased to 341. With the welfare and encouraging schemes of the state government, the spirit of serving in the Indian Army has definitely increased among the youth of the state.

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