Chandigarh, October 9 – Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal met Union Home Minister, Sh. Amit Shah at his residence in New Delhi, regarding the reopening of National Highways that are blocked for a long time in Haryana due to ongoing farmers protest. Sh. Manohar Lal also apprised Union Home Minister about the status of demonstrations by farmers at other places in Haryana.
It is pertinent to mention here that that as a result of protest by various farmer organizations against the three Agriculture Acts, National Highways have been blocked on Singhu border and Tikri border in Haryana for a long time and as a result of the blockade of the National Highway, general public especially those working in industrial area and the rural area near Sindhu border and Tikri border are suffering a lot. There is also a continuous demand from the residents of the neighbouring areas to open the blocked highways.
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Later, after meeting the Union Home Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while interacting with the media said that on the above said issue talks are going on and on October 20, Haryana Government will file its reply in the Supreme Court. Farmer leaders have also been made a party. Before this, if any consensus is made between the state government and farmer organizations, then it will be beneficial and if no consensus is made then the highways will be reopened as per the order of the Supreme Court. State Government has always appealed to the farmers to maintain peace during their protests and agitations and the same is expected by the Union Home Minister also, said Sh. Manohar Lal.