Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal thanked the Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi for mentioning Manish Kaushik, boxer from Devsar, Bhiwani, during his Mann Ki Baat programme today.

Chandigarh, June 27 – Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal thanked the Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi for mentioning Manish Kaushik, boxer from Devsar, Bhiwani, during his Mann Ki Baat programme today. The Chief Minister has extended best wishes for the bright future of all the 30 other athletes from Haryana who will be representing India at the Tokyo Olympics.

It is worth mentioning that Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi mentioned boxer Manish Kaushik during his programme Mann Ki Baat programme on Sunday and congratulated him.  Introducing Manish Kaushik, the Prime Minister said that Manish hails from a farming family.  He became fond of boxing while working in the fields and this hobby is taking him to Tokyo to participate in the Olympics.

Sh. Manohar Lal said that continuous efforts are being made by the Haryana Government to promote sports in the state to produce international level players.

He said that an advance amount of Rs. 5 lakh is provided to athletes for the preparation of Olympic Games.

The Chief Minister expressed hope that all the athletes including Manish Kaushik would bring laurels to the state and the country by winning maximum medals during the Olympic Games.

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