Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while addressing the media persons after a programme held on the occasion of Environment Day in Karna

Manohar lal khattar

Chandigarh June 5:  Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while addressing the media persons after a programme held on the occasion of Environment Day in Karnal said that adequate arrangements have been made by the State Government to tackle the Black Fungus outbreak and from past three days the increase in the disease cases is stable.

He said that about 600 patients are undergoing treatment in various hospitals across Haryana and about 8000 injections have been received for the treatment of disease ensuring that the patients do not face any problem.

“Everyone’s cooperation is needed in this hour of crisis therefore everyone should religiously follow COVID-19 protocols,” said the Chief Minister.

          Answering another question, the Chief Minister said that there are about 14000 ponds in the state.  These ponds were not being cleaned for the last several years, due to which the dirt in the ponds increased and  the water levels in these ponds are not getting recharged.

For this, Haryana Pond and Waste Water Management Authority have been constituted for ensuring the maintenance of these ponds.  In the first phase, 150 ponds covered under  Mahagram Yojana have been renovated, informed the Chief Minister.  He is formed that this year 450 ponds will be renovated.

Replying to another question regarding farmers, the Chief Minister said that everyone has the right to express their views peacefully but if anyone disturbs the law and order then strict action will be taken against such violators.


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