Haryana Government has re-constituted District Level Committee across the State regarding the distribution of Injection Remdesivir

Chandigarh May 7:  Haryana Government has re-constituted District Level Committee across the State regarding the distribution of Injection Remdesivir and to contain the indiscriminate use of Injection Remdesivir, which is being used for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal today accorded approval for the proposal to reconstitute the District Level Committee which would now be chaired by the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) and would include the Civil Surgeon or his representative, District President IMA or his representatives and Chief Pharmacist/ Pharmacist.

Sharing more details in this regard, an official spokesperson said that earlier these committees which included physicians was chaired by Civil Surgeons.

The spokesperson said that detailed instructions have been issued for the approval of the said drug. As per the instructions, all the COVID Hospitals requiring injection Remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19 patients shall apply to the Committee of their respective district.

The applicant Hospital has to fill the prescribed proforma which is to be sent to the concerned Civil Surgeon through email or physical copy. No application without filled proforma or incomplete proforma will be entertained, he said.

The spokesperson further informed that the  Committee in each district will meet twice every day to scrutinize the applications received and facilitate rapid decision making, as time is of the essence. He said that the decision of daily meetings will be conveyed to all the stakeholders through e-mail.

The spokesperson said that reasons for refusal will be written and informed to the requisitioning hospitals/physicians.

He said that the approved applicant hospital shall deposit the actual cost of injection, as procured and informed by HMSCL, to the concerned Civil Surgeon.

Furthermore, the concerned Civil Surgeon would issue the drug to the authorized person of the concerned hospital, he said.

The spokesman said that the amount so collected would be deposited in the account of HMSCL. He said that all the Civil Surgeons will ensure the issuance of the drug on the same day, the store is to be open 24*7.

The spokesperson said that the office of Director Health Services (MSD) in coordination with HMSCL will ensure drug distribution in future as well, after approval of the Additional Chief Secretary(ACS) Health and Family Welfare Department, and will also monitor the overall management of drug.

He said that the concerned hospital will submit a report regarding the usage of the drug for the approved patient only.

It shall be the personal responsibility of the Hospital Administration of the institutes requisitioning Remdesivir to ensure appropriate use of prescription medicine, coordination with health authorities and to keep proper records so that they are available for audit purpose later, said the spokesperson.

He said that in case Remdesivir is issued and the patient dies, then the concerned hospital shall reimburse the amount to the patient and keep the drug in stock for use, for approved case in future. However, Civil Surgeon shall be informed immediately.

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